Family Website

I always gush about the awesome families that I get to work with. I am forever saying how lovely it is to be invited into a home and document a typical day in the life and on this occasion it is no different. I traveled on down to Southampton to met with the beautiful Burton family at the end of last year and we had so much fun together. I was warned that little A would probably be a bit shy and not get to close, well with in a matter of moments we were the best of friends. She was giggling at me, I was giggling at her and it made everyone relax around us. After we established a lovely little friendship I was soon shown the Burton way of life which included lots of giggles, dancing to Jack Johnson, tower making, a dedicated pot of marshmallows which EVERYONE had to eat, including me! We played games, decorated Daddy’s birthday cake, explored the garden, they had more cuddles, a few nappy changes for baby N, and everyone showed me the best of times. I even got to take some cake home and it was yummy!

This family have a tiny piece of my heart. They were so real, honest and stripped back. They totally let me in and be part of the family and it meant I could really get involved. I loved my time with the Burtons and I really hope our paths cross again one day soon.

If you’d like a shoot like this for your own family: